Hello, Logo.

Today we unveil our new Healthline logo.

the word ‘Healthline’ rendered in a thick font with slanted serifs

It’s strong, isn’t it?

Strength was actually a big driver behind the redesign. Healthline is now 76M people strong! We’ve grown to become a Comscore top 50 US digital media property, the #1 property on mobile in the health category, and the leading health and wellness brand.

Our focus on the “whole person” drives our growth. We approach wellness and health information in an integrated fashion. While most health sites either address wellness or disease, we bridge the gap between the two and bring a level of medical integrity to wellness that’s unique — and clearly well-received. We’ve seen 172% year over year session traffic growth in nutrition, 318% growth in herbal supplements, and 450% growth in sexual health.

We’re introducing a bold new look for Healthline to celebrate this marriage of health and wellness.

This redesign has given us an opportunity to do a number of things. Our foremost design priority was to look like the leader in health that we’ve become. So, the logo needed to be strong and prominent, with the confidence to stand alone.
No less important was versatility across media. Mobile now accounts for 76% of Healthline’s traffic. And as the #1 property on mobile in the health information category, we need a logo that can carry its weight on the small mobile screen and in the crowded social space. The new logo’s modern feel has given us a mark that we believe will prove to be memorable and impactful.

Our process has helped us land on a direction that checks all the boxes and also instinctively feels right. This new logo reflects our conviction in our mission to be our users’ most trusted ally in the pursuit of health and well-being. It celebrates the integration of health and wellness on multiple levels, the scale of our impact on people’s health, and the new directions we will pursue to continue to exponentially grow.

Thank you to our design team. And Hello, Logo

Source: comScore March 2019 and Google Analytics April 2019

About Healthline Media

As the #1 health media platform in the US, Healthline Media reaches more than 75MM unique visitors each month (Comscore, May 2024). We provide credible health information with a compassionate approach.