How COVID-19 Is Impacting People Living with Chronic Conditions: A Type 2 Diabetes Perspective

With the growing spread of the coronavirus pandemic across our nation, day-to-day life is seeing unprecedented changes right before our eyes. While the outbreak is affecting everyday life for most, certain populations, such as those living with chronic conditions, are facing very different realities. Healthline Insider spoke with Susan Weiner, registered dietitian and nutritionist, author and award-winning Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES), about some of the questions and needs of people living with type 2 diabetes during these uncertain times. This is what’s top of mind:

  1. Concerns about medication shortages
  2. How to get prescriptions refilled when they can’t see medical professionals 
  3. How to get diabetes supplies and groceries as an older consumer 
  4. What to store at home
  5. How to exercise when they can’t go out

“People with type 2 diabetes may be concerned that they won’t be able to get adequate amounts of their medications, diabetes supplies, medical devices and healthy food right now when they are most in need,” says Susan Weiner. “Trusted brands have an opportunity to provide comfort and support to folks who need it during this challenging time.” is covering expert opinions that say people with diabetes may be at higher risk for COVID-19, and what they can do to prepare.

While some of these nuances are particular to the type 2 diabetes community, people living with all chronic conditions are discovering the new realities and concerns of their everyday lives. It is more important than ever for consumers to be in the know. People feel isolated. People want reassurance. People need support. 

How can brands help?

  • Engage in open communication and listening. Create a dialogue with your audience to shed light on their challenges and respond with more crafted, effective tools and resources.
  • Improve your authenticity. Make sure your content and messaging are real, not self-serving, in order to drive up trust.
  • Acknowledge their realities. Consumers and influencers are vocal online about what they’re going through. People want to feel seen. 
  • Focus on the whole person. Understand what your audience is dealing with in today’s environment, beyond their condition.
  • Provide clear and tailored communication. Influencers are already taking a stance and sending a message to communities.

If you’re interested in connecting about how we can partner to better serve people living with chronic conditions today in light of COVID-19, email us today.

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