Healthline Educates and Enlightens Consumers with Two Social Media Campaigns

Healthline partners with the U.S. Pain Foundation and the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE) for new social media campaigns. To further its mission to be patients’ most trusted ally as they pursue health and well-being, Healthline is created two awareness campaigns this month: #MakeItVisible and #DontMix. Both campaigns are taking place across social media platforms until October 31, 2017.

#MakeItVisible seeks to bring attention to the fact that not all illnesses are evident. In addition to raising awareness, the campaign will also raise money: For every photo people post throughout the month of October on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag #MakeItVisible, Healthline will donate $5 to the U.S. Pain Foundation.

Healthline, which connects with patients and consumers in creative ways to build a stronger, healthier world, has engaged 11 social media influencers to shine a light on a variety of conditions that aren’t always apparent, from Crohn’s disease to arthritis to type 1 diabetes.

In an effort to reach those who live with some of these frequently overlooked conditions, the influencers are engaging with their audiences wherever they are online, with targeted outreach on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Because Healthline knows that one of the most frustrating parts of living with an invisible illness is that sufferers’ physical pain isn’t always apparent from the outside, the #MakeItVisible campaign empathizes as well as educates with prompts such as, “What do you want others to know about living with an invisible illness?” and “Share a photo that makes your invisible illness visible.” Share your own #MakeItVisible story and raise funds for the U.S. Pain Foundation by using the #MakeItVisible hashtag on social media.

The #DontMix campaign seeks to educate the public about the potential dangers of mixing alcohol and medication. In partnership with NCPIE, the social media campaign and its companion website drive awareness of NCPIE’s “Think Before You Drink” campaign, part of Talk About Your Medicines Month, which occurs each October.

The combination of entertaining and educational posts fits with Healthline’s mission of bringing patients inspiring but authoritative content in order to give them the best possible health outcomes.

Knowing “health outcomes” sounds boring to consumers, the #DontMix campaign’s creative content is anything but. Healthline and NCPIE understand that education begins with engagement, and to make people aware that mixing medication and alcohol can have dangerous effects, Healthline and NCPIE are focusing the month-long campaign on plying the public with facts while also entertaining them.

Using a combination of witty, poignant, funny, and educational posts, #DontMix includes relevant and frequently hilarious examples to makes its point. For example, socks and sandals don’t mix, cliffs and selfies don’t mix, and neither do alcohol and medication.

To participate in the #Don’tMix conversation on social media, use the hashtag #DontMix or submit a #DontMix combination on

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